While there are hundreds of improvements and new features in this

- Drawing tools added for vector graphics.
- Zooming in the Designer.
- Better grouping support for components and shapes.
- New Symbol Factory module.
- More efficient serialization format for windows.
- Better color-choosing UI.
- Internationalization in Gateway/Designer.
- New compression algorithm for analog SQLHistorian tags.
- New ability for SQLHistorian to create preprocessed history tables for better query performance over long time spans.
- New query cache in the client to avoid unnecessary repeated querying of the same time span.
- Data density histogram on the Easy Chart for SQLHistorian pens.
- Improved memory usage for SQLTags in the Gateway.
- Automatic SQLTag creation when dragging and dropping OPC items.
- Improved performance and scan class settings for SQLTags (one-shot, triggered on-change, subscribed vs polled).
- Improved memory usage for ControlLogix driver.
- Improved performance and stability for all drivers.
- Improved installer allows choosing individual modules on install and upgrade.
- New graphical and command-line installer for Linux.
- Ignition installation directory structure changed.
Please realize that this is an early beta and so it should not be used in production.
I've been using this release for a while now and it is a joy to use. Working in the designer is a fluid experience. The new 2D drawing tools exceed anything I've ever used in any other package and now with the inclusion of Symbol Factory graphics development is lightning fast.
Please call us with any comments or suggestions on this new release.
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